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Apr 27, 2011

Craft Alert

I have something I'm looking forward to.  Josh and I are having a get together for the Kentucky Derby this year! I'm still getting my menu together, but there will definitely be miniature hot browns, Derby pie, bourbon balls, mint juleps (even though they aren't a very good drink), and bourbon balls.  And then we'll have some KFC for those hanging around for dinner.

Also, in anticipation of the 137th Run for the Roses, I have been bitten by the crafting bug.  A while back I found this blog:  by way of the blog Crazy Domestic (due to many reasons, the Crazy Domestic bloggers are no longer updating the site.  Makes me sad, but it is a good change for them, it seems.)  I thought the wreath looked simply amazing and wanted to try it.  While planning the Derby party, I was trying to figure out a way to work in roses.  Voila!  I'm making a red rose wreath (say that 5 times fast).

I bought some red felt from Hobby Lobby.  Here a few of my attempts at the red roses.  I actually think they look pretty good, especially for me, a girl who likes crafts but rarely does them.  I think the real test will be fitting them all onto a wreath form and getting it done before next Saturday.  Wish me luck!!


  1. Want me to send you some Ale-8 or anything?
    Also, try these as favors for the ladies:

  2. BURGOO!

  3. Also, mint juleps are good if done right. If you know anyone with mint you could crush yourself, get some and do it this way:

  4. Audra - Thanks for the offer. I was thinking about ordering some on-line. I've done that before and had it delivered to Colorado for a friend of mine. It can get kinda pricey though. Those flowers are adorable. I will have to try that out.

    Chris - thanks for the recipes. I will definitely do the mint juleps that way. I may wait on burgoo, although it would fun to introduce Alabamians to it. I'll just have to see how my other concoctions go. I've added beer cheese to the list and would love to try and make some Skyline chili dip.
